While the Winter weather may come and go, every homeowner’s goal should be to ensure their outdoor living space last forever. Between harsh snowfalls and freezing cold temperatures, when winterizing your outdoor living space, it’s important to stay mindful of the various ways that the Winter climate and weather can affect your backyard paradise.
Contrary to popular belief, simply bringing in your outdoor seat cushions and turning off your gas lines isn’t enough to protect your outdoor living space from the elements. And yes, while these are among some of our favourite and more “superficial” ways to winterize your outdoor living space, there are a variety of other important tips that you should be aware of. After all, since you’ve already spent so much time and money into designing your dream backyard, you wouldn’t want one frosty Winter to ruin it all!
To help ensure that your outdoor luxuries are kept in tip-top condition until the Winter temperatures warm up, we’ve prepared a list including our top advice for outdoor living spaces that homeowners tend to forget about!
Small Details Make The Biggest Differences
1) Be Wary of Ice Salt!
While salt tends to be a household “go-to” when driveways freeze over, it’s beyond important that you are aware of just how harmful salt may be for your outdoor kitchen appliances! As tempting as it may be to sprinkle down some salt around whatever neighbouring pathways surround your outdoor kitchen appliances, the mineral can lead to harmful scratches.
Ice salt also has the potential to severely corrode and permanently damage your outdoor appliances, so be mindful of where you are laying down your ice salt.
2) Shovel Surrounding Snow With Plastic
We strongly suggest you avoid using metal shovels if you need to clear any snow. Similar to salt, metal shovels can scratch and damage your outdoor kitchen, or any other sort of outdoor luxuries that make up your outdoor living space. Instead, we recommend using plastic snow shovels when carrying out this tedious chore. Even then, it’s important that you remain careful when shoveling, especially when close to kitchen materials.
3) Get Your Protective Covers Ready
Similar to how you would bundle up in a warm Winter coat when you venture outside, protective covers for your outdoor living accessories are an absolute must-have. If you don’t already have covering sets, we strongly suggest you invest in them ASAP! Whether it be around your fire table or outdoor bbq, all-weather covers will make all the difference when trying to preserve the longevity of your outdoor living space.
As it may be difficult to find customized covers to specifically fit the dimensions of your appliances and furniture, you may need to get a tad creative and put in some DIY work. Here are some suggestions for general all-weather coverings; just be sure to securely fasten them around whatever you are covering!
These are just a few of our favourite tips and reminders that we find homeowners tend to forget when winterizing their outdoor living space. For more design tips and advice on how you can build the backyard of your dreams, be sure to check out our other articles!